Sunday, May 30, 2010

In love already

It took me only a few seconds to be infatuated with the city. And less than a day to fall simply in love.

My first week in NYC has been absolutely exhilarating!! It's a completely different culture than Missouri. Completely. So where to start... I guess I'll go through the few things I've knocked off the list.. although I must warn, SO much more is going to happen than just my few 55ish things I want to accomplish... in NYC, the list of experiences is endless.

43) Try a new Tasti D-Lite flavor every week.

Dutch Chocolate was my first flavor tackled. And it was delicious! These frozen yogurt shops are everywhere, so tasting a new flavor every week shouldn't be too difficult.

31) Make friends with a stranger on the Subway.

Okay... well it wasn't exactly the subway... but I met a woman who works for Parents Magazine on the commute bus from New Jersey to Port Authority (the HUGE bus station on 42nd Street & 8th Ave). We talked the entire bus ride there and she gave me some AWESOME advice for making it in the magazine industry. I couldn't be more thankful to meet such a helpful person. She's been in the industry 4 years now.. let's hope in 5 years I'm as well off as she. Thanks Tara!

19) Have a girls' night out to see the midnight showing of Sex and the City 2.

AH-MAZE-ING!!! We went to the Regal Theater in Times Square to watch the first showing of the film. Let's just say whenever the opening song "Empire State of Mind" sang through the speakers, everyone got goosebumps. It was so exciting to see places like Columbus Circle and actually recognize them as places I had been earlier that day!

22) Eat New York style pizza.

It is SOOOOO good! You have to try the "White Pizza." No sauce, just chunks of ricotta cheese on it. There's an awesome little pizza and bread shop just a block away from the office. $5 for a slice and a drink... and trust me, that's super cheap in the city.

Or if you want some super legit pizza... John's Pizzeria is the way to go. But bring your wallet because "No Slices" is their slogan.

37) Start an M-I-Z chant at another school campus.

Done and done... and chanted with Mizzou basketball players like Zaire Taylor and Kim English. Can't get any more school spirited than that!

Once again... I'm getting whisked off away because .. well .. we are always on the go here! I'll try and update more later tomorrow.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer 2010 Fun & Fearless To Do List

In the spirit of being Fun & Fearless this summer, I've (with the help of some amazing friends!) compiled quite the To Do list while living in NYC. Read along as I attempt to knock off each number (which are in a random order). Please leave more suggestions... I want this to be an absolutely unforgettable summer.

1) Buy something designer I’d never usually splurge money on.
2) Go to a Broadway show.
3) Eat Chinese food in China Town… even though I don’t like it.
4) Fist pump at a club on the Jersey Shore.
5) Attend a Cardinals v. Mets game at Citi Field.
6) Attend a Yankees game at Yankee Stadium … and maybe even cheer for them.
7) Attend a Red Sox game at Fenway Park … and cheer for the opponent.
8) Meet a celebrity.
9) Go on a date with a real New Yorker.
10) Visit the Statue of Liberty.
11) And Ellis Island.
12) Lose a dress size.
13) Go jogging in Central Park.
14) Run a 5K.
15) Get into VIP at a club.
16) Order a Cosmopolitan and a Martini instead of a vodka tonic or Bud Light.
17) Go shopping (or just window shopping) at Bergdorf Goodman and Barneys.
18) See a local band play in concert.
19) Have a girls night out to see the midnight showing of Sex and the City 2.
20) Get on the Today Show.
21) Go to a comedy show.
22) Eat New York style pizza.
23) Visit Coney Island.
24) Vow to only wear Tshirts when in the apartment.
25) Read Hush by Kate White.
26) Go barefoot on the Subway.
27) Kiss someone in the middle of Times Square.
28) Travel to Niagara Falls.
29) Find the Cash Cab and call Staci for a Mobile Shout Out.
30) FINALLY visit the A&F Flagship on 5th Avenue.
31) Make friends with a stranger on the Subway.
32) Take a picture with the Naked Cowboy.
33) Spend a day trying to talk with a New York accent.
34) Visit Ground Zero and say a prayer.
35) Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
36) Visit Wall Street and give my number to a hot man with a briefcase.
37) Start an M-I-Z chant at another school campus.
38) Sit on the steps at the Met like Blair Waldorf.
39) Sing Empire State of Mind on top of the Empire State Building.
40) Visit Carnegie Hall.
41) Take a Mizzou Girl gone Hearst Girl picture w/ our respective magazines outside of Hearst Tower.
42) Eat a hotdog, pretzel and Philly cheese steak from a street vendor.
43) Try a new Tasti D-Lite flavor every week.
44) Take a weekend trip to the Hamptons.
45) Roller skate in a park.
46) Visit Katz’s Deli.
47) Eat a world-famous cupcake at Magnolia
48) Walk the entire length of the High Line.
49) Find "The Frying Pan" and buy a bucket of coronas with friends.
50) Find the Balto statue in Central Park.
51) Visit the Museum of Natural History.
52) Test out a tip that I fact check.
53) Wear a Carrie Bradshaw inspired outfit and strut down 5th Ave.
54) Hang out in Union Square and people watch for an afternoon.
55) Eat at Ninja New York, where Ninjas serve your food.

Friday, May 21, 2010

This is what I call "packing"

Contrary to the person most of my college friends know me as, my life wasn't always so put together. I remember running away from home in high school... traveling to Mo. State and Mizzou to visit my best friends. I absolutely pined for the life they had. Freedom. No parents, no worries, no drama ... or so it seemed at the ripened age of 18. College life seemed absolutely perfect.

Working 40 hours a week and driving the good old 1 hour drive out to Troy, Mo (my ingenious runaway location), I yearned to live on my own. To be strong and independent. And then.. it happened. The day I first moved to college.

As I loaded my freshly bought bed spread and mac book into the car I felt that first surge hit. What the hell was that, I thought. It was just like BOOM. Freak out. But I brushed it aside, kissed my dad and hopped in my car to follow. Undoubtedly blasting my fav Hollister Co. jams in Blueberry, the first few miles weren't too bad. A couple sideroads. Some backroads. A cigarette or two.

The highway... well thats a different story. My heart started racing. "Oh. My. God." POUNDING. "Lighter, lighter... where's my lighter?" "Turn the music up.. oh eff its all the way up." Thump, thump. "Holy hell I'm on my way to college."

For a girl who's always tried to be so tough... I couldn't understand it. There, in all that is glory of the open road on Highway 70... I was panicking. And panicking bad. I think I debated calling my dad and telling him to pull over about a GAJILLION times. I'll just tell him to pull over and turn around, that's what I thought. Lindenwood isn't so bad. "There's journalism there right? Maybe?"

But when I pulled up to the janky building of Jones Hall, the pounding stopped. Well, not all together obvi... but it didn't feel so bad. Before I knew it, I was finished unloading my new home and shoving my dad out the door. "Dad. Oh my god... nobody else's parents are still here. NO you do NOT need to engrave my name on my refrigerator.. for god's sake, nobody is going to steal it."

I made it. Finally, a big kid on my own. What I was so eager to have for so many years. And though terrified as I was, I made it.

And now here I am. Sitting on the floor in my room at my mom's house, next to that refrigerator (no name inscribed), surrounded by piles of business casual clothes and empty suitcases. Also joining us ... oh just that racing heart again. No big. Oh yeah... and tears. I forgot to mention there were quite a few of those on Highway 70, too.

And as I sit here wishing I could Wingarium Leviosa every article of clothing into my bag, I can't help but also laugh at that silly girl 3 years ago. And at that same girl now... seriously, if you saw this mascara river line down my face right now, you would too.

At least though, this is a good freakout. It's a realization that I've come a long way from that 18 year-old trying to find her place in life. Worrying about fitting in and making impressions... I've done it all. And it was more than I could have ever dreamed for. And now, here it is. The final moment where it's seriously hitting me ... New York City, magazine empire, here I come.

Replace the open road with endless skies. Blueberry's car stereo with an iPod, and this song on repeat:

I Made It - Kevin Rudolf.

I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ed 2010

For any lovers of journalism or magazines, especially those trying to break into the ever-popular field of magazine journalism .. please bookmark the Mecca networking and advice site I was lucky enough to be referred to it by the Missouri School of Journalism's intern coach.

It's seriously amazing. Every week "Ed", the mysterious magazine man behind the greatness, updates Q&A's, advice, JOB POSTINGS and networking opportunities. It's the best go-to site for any aspiring editor/ writer, really.

So I'm SUPER stoked to announce that after diligently following his advice and postings for the past semester, I'm going to attend Ed's 9th Annual Welcome to NYC Intern Party this summer! I keep being told by everyone how important networking is, so I'm absolutely dying to go. I still can't believe how many incredible people I'm going to meet this summer. It just feels completely unreal.

For all my friends in NYC ... come with! It's from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Wednesday, June 9th at the Boat Basin Cafe on West 79th Street. What a great opportunity.

Time is quickly flying by until I say SAYONARA St. Chuck and HELLOOOO New York.

6 days.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Keeping inspired

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared with what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

While working on my most recent FB prof pic (gotta love picnik) I was looking up a bunch of quotes about friendship and some other motivation sayings. This one really jumped out at me.

So being the analytical and over-thoughtful person that I am, I began to compare it to my life. On one end of the spectrum, I'm completely exhilarated to live up the city life that lies ahead of me this summer. And on the other end, I'm terrified to leave everything and everyone behind me (with the exception of a few lovely fellow J-schoolers, of course).

But amidst all these overwhelming feelings, I keep reminding myself that this summer is really about one thing and one thing only: Pursuing my dreams.

I know I've got to embrace my inner drive & motivation to succeed in this industry. And I'm ready to hit the ground running and never turn back.

10 days.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Change of plans

Looks like I get to leave for NYC sooner than I thought! Official leave time: May 22 at 2 pm. See ya later Missouri!

Friday, May 7, 2010

That feeling

I'm sure most writers would agree ... reporting is the best part of the job. You read awesome things (okay... sometimes not ... like searching through heaps of web pages on land zoning in CoMo... eh..) and you meet the most incredible people. Case in point: my first feature for Vox Magazine.

Now the writing process. It's just plain awful - well most of the time. Struggling to find the right synonym or fighting to make the perfect nut graf (cough Swasy cough) really makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes. But in the end, when all the edits and the headaches and persistent fact checking .. (okay, so tell me again how do you spell your name?) is over and done, and you pick up a crisp copy fresh off the press of your work ... well nothing compares to that.

You can't explain that feeling . It's like that overwhelming sense of self pride you got in the third grade when Mrs. Haar (insert your teacher's name here) gave you an Excellent sticker and an A+++ on your creative writing assignment about a girl named Pua in Hawaii -- oh yeah, don't you wish you guys could read that one. But really, even when you don't have a byline ... just knowing that you contributed and that someone somewhere is reading something that you put blood, sweat and tears into. That's why you love your job.

And lucky me. I've had 2 really awesome experiences like this in the past week. The first being Vox, of course. Never have I ever (don't worry.. I'm not about to get into a TDelt frosh retreat story... haha DL!) seriously put so much time into a story. And never was I so enthusiastic to write. So when I walked into the Job Point office with a stack of copies in hand, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. There, the sweet old lady at the reception desk was reading a story printed off the web. BY LINDSAY SCHALLON. Yep, it was right there at the top. And when she noticed me, I handed over an issue, saying I was from Vox. "Oh I was just reading a story by you guys... it's fantastic." Fantastic. Wow. Really?

And then, another worker came out to congratulate me. And then a phone call from another telling me the great work I did. I don't mean to brag, but wow.. you know, it was just that feeling.

Fast forward one week. In class this morning my friend Jess (who's also a magazine intern this summer... can I get a WHAT WHAT!?) slammed the new issue of the magazine I'm interning at this summer down on the desk in front of me. "Did you read it yet!?" And there. She flips the page open to a trends page... low and behold... 2 different trends I wrote about in my faux article during interviews. And then again on page 80 - couples who say we.

There it was again. That feeling. It wasn't my copy. And my name wasn't on there. But I had ideas that contributed. And maybe the writers hadn't even seen my stuff at all. Still ... knowing that I'm on the same page (no pun intended) as the magazine... maybe I belong there after all.

Now's my chance to be fearless. 19 more days.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

20 days away...

It's so hard to believe that in just ONE week I will officially be a senior in college. Omgosh. Really? What's even scarier is that I leave for New York City in TWENTY days... Wow. wow. wow. It still doesn't feel real... And I bet it won't until I get off the plane and step foot in the city.

Can't wait!