... Just not on here yet!
It's amazing how much time two jobs, classes and the sorority take up. But don't fret, if you want to see what I've been up to, follow my Twitter and the Mizzou Tri Delta Blog.
Also, the 2,500-word feature story I've been working on for Columbia's Arts & Entertainment magazine, Vox, will hit newsstands on Oct. 7.* If you're not in the Columbia, Mo. area, (And for your sake, I really hope you aren't. I kid! I kid! Well, kinda.) then check it out on the web at http://www.voxmagazine.com.
If you're bored in the meantime, I suggest going to the site and typing "Bingo" into the search. I promise, you'll enjoy it.
Well, I should probably study for this exam I have in two hours. Just thought I'd procrastinate a little more, and let ya'll know I'm still alive.
Trying to keep it fun and working hard to do so,
PS- In the name of fearlessness I chopped all my hair off! I'm still getting used to it...
* In light of recent word from my editors, my story has been postponed for another month. So stay tuned!